Black Clover: Chapter 289 is fantastic Asta’s power is amazing

Chapter 289 of Black Clover Chapter 289 in Black Clover continues the epic battle that is unfolding throughout the Kingdom of Swords focusing on Asta who, after rescuing vice-captain Nacht just enough time, has returned to the scene to face the evil spirits that have come into the underworld. Here’s the battle rage Asta is capable of!

As extensively predicted by Nacht who has completed this Devil Union Mode con love Asta can be a major difference in the face of any adversary. This new appearance given the character an improvement in physical attributes like strength and speed and agility, but it added to the anti-magical power that his weaponry.

Chapter 289 in the manga written by Yuki Tabata Lilith is absorbed by its twin Naamah to make her an even stronger evil. However, Asta is not discouraged at all and is even involved in the careless saga of a massive fireball which is directed at him.



In the past, when looking back at combats, Asta charges la with an anti-magical force and destroys Sword of Demons, that, despite growing out of the norm, is able not just to stop the attack but also to keep it. Devil Union Mode with Liebe permitted Asta to develop massive powers that are anti-magical, and when transmitted to the sword enabled the character to be free of a deadly blow.

This chapter appears to have completely convinced fans as you can see in the tweet at the end of the article have especially enjoyed Tabata’s efforts. Alongside the merging with the demonic twins as well as Asta’s new powers, this chapter also brought Magna back on the stage. However, to complete this feat we believed that of the panels themselves. designed by a masterful artist.

Chapter 289 from Black Clover is now available on Manga Plus, the most challenging challenge of Asta starts. The previous chapter 288 from Black Clover revealed a detail regarding Asta’s strength.

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