Mobile Learning

After you’ve read this guide after reading this guide, you’ll gain a greater understanding of mobile learning, how it could help your company’s learning efforts and the best method to implement it.

What is Mobile Learning?

Mobile Learning Sometimes, it is referred to as mLearning or M-learning, is learning with mobile devices like tablets, mobile phones and laptops.

Mobile learning content is available in a variety of formats from videos, podcasts, and apps, to quizzes and complete eLearning course.

This kind of learning usually comes by microlearning in which information is provided in small chunks , in brief sessions.

What are the reasons your company should make use of mobile learning?

The the lack of development and growth chances as being the primary reason for quitting their jobs and this highlights the fact that education is more crucial than financial compensation.

A well-designed learning and developing program for training is required as is mobile-based learning now an integral part of this as mobile devices have become an integral as a part of our everyday working routines.

The year 2021 will be the one in which data shows that 88% of the population has and utilizes a smartphone, as well as estimates indicate that in 2025 72 percent of Internet users will only use their phones to connect to the internet. The number increased by 1.9 percentage in 2021 and the worldwide epidemic caused an increase in the number of people using smartphones, almost double the quantity of mobile data utilized between 7.2GB up to 11.6GB.

As per, every minute of the day, 5.7 million google searches are conducted 12 million texts are transmitted via iMessage and 6 million customers buy on the internet. The magnitude of mobile usage is almost unimaginable and is growing rapidly year on year.

A lot has been written about the digital revolution in learning and how companies need to be able to adjust to changing technologies to remain competitive. As we become more into the digital age, and both our professional and personal realms and in the workplace, access to learning on the go is becoming the norm.

This is particularly true when young generations (Gen Z) are entering the workforce, and digital natives want to have access to online training at any time and from anywhere.

Content is being increasingly tailored to be mobile-first instead of mobile-friendly. It was typical for content to be crafted to desktops and later, it was adapted to mobile devices after the process, but without much effort to optimize your mobile user experience.

In recent times this trend has been slowing down as users seek more efficient mobile experiences , and are no longer accepting outdated, unresponsive or unintuitive user experience.

With more and more people turning to mobile devices, businesses should not miss the opportunities that this presents. A fully integrated learning environment that is supported by mobile learning can bring numerous benefits to employees as well as businesses.

Benefits of Mobile Learning

There are numerous benefits when making use of mobile learning as a part of your company’s training program. A variety of formats for training ensures that your training is more accessible , and therefore more efficient.

1. Mobility and Accessibility

They don’t require you be a laptop with a an internet connection. Any device is able to be used to study.

Users don’t have to think about using a particular name or operating system. They can access whatever device they want and access it instantly.

  • 32% of business travelers,
  • 26% of them at home
  • 24% of commuters are on the road,
  • 18% in the office or in other places.

2. Increased Knowledge Retention

Research conducted by Dr. Alex Heiphetz proves that mobile learning could help

This is the case for standalone mobile learning and also mobile learning in conjunction with an integrated learning program.

3. Encourages Learners to Participate

An Merrill Lynch studyon the effectiveness of mobile learning revealed this is one of the primary benefitsof mobile learning, in the near future.

Participants also mentioned the time savings and the ability to concentrate on learning in a non-distracting manner as two additional key benefits of this method of learning.

The LinkedIn report revealed that , and also with a similar amount of learning efficacy as measured by their scores on tests.

4. Real-time Feedback Encourages and Engages

People are used to immediate results, and mobile learning has the potential to provide it.

Quizzes are scored instantly with results added to the score, and mistakes can be rectified.

In addition, pertinent material can be linked in such a way that students have the chance to quickly correct any information gaps.

5. Learners are Empowered in Their Training

Learners learn in different ways, at different rates. Through a variety of training content and delivery, the learners are able to select what works best for them, and take on it at the time they are prepared.

Someone who prefers video over text and is most effective at night can opt to use this method and consequently are more likely to be engaged with their education and profit from it as opposed to being in a position to read a text before waking up.

Mobile learning lets learners access their learning material at any time and from anywhere, in any format that is suitable for them. They are more engaged because of it.

6. Collaborative Learning is Encouraged

The research on the efficacy of collaboration on mobile platforms for educationhas demonstrated that it is effective in facilitating learning, and can be an advantage for students.

Mobile learning lets students exchange knowledge through the platform, as well as through social networks, and foster interaction between instructors and students.

7. Completion Rates Improve

Particularly in mobile learning that employs microlearning, students learn at a much faster rate than with more traditional methods.

There are a myriad of reasons to this, including the ones mentioned above Convenience, empowerment and instant feedback are effective motivators for students.

If learning is easy and accessible for people to use, more will become involved in it.

8. Mobile Learning is Cost-Effective

While it may appear to be a huge expense, it is the most cost-effective option in the long run, especially for those who constantly upgrade and introduce new content.

As more concepts and training plans are introduced the more there is for unique or outside training sessions.

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