Employee Onboarding Process

After reading this guide , you will be aware of what an effective onboarding process can offer your business and what you can do to improve the current process of your company.

Understanding the process of onboarding can help you to create a better training pathway for employees, discover areas of skill needing improvement, enhance the development of employees and help you build more effective teams.

What exactly is the process for onboarding an employee?

employee onboarding is the way in the new employees are familiar with the aspects of performance and social of their new jobs and the aim is making sure that new employees are able to adjust quickly to their new environment, increasing productivity and satisfaction and decreasing turnover.

This involves training new employees on the behaviors, skills, the corporate culture, expectations of employees and the behaviors necessary to be effective within an organization.

Benefits of having a well-planned procedures for onboarding employees

1. Acclimatise the employee over the shortest time possible

If an employee is hired for an interview, they should be instructed not only on which parking spots to go to and where the best places for lunch will be, they should be aware of exactly what they are expected to do and where they can find support from their peers and the management team, as well as precisely what they are able to expect from the business.

Establishing clear expectations helps employees to know their role from day one.

2. Reduce the time the new hire to gain productivity

The smoother the process for onboarding and the faster your new employee can begin working and start to be productive.

If you’re running an unwieldy or confusing program employees will spend the first few weeks trying to inquire about issues that they already have the answer to.

Make sure they are set up for success by giving them clear and concise onboarding resources that address any questions they might be asking about their position or the organization.

3. Engage the employee properly

Employees who are engaged increase productivity as well as profitability and quality, in addition to other benefits.

Engagement in this sense implies that the management team has shown that they appreciate the employee appreciate their skills and are committed to encouraging their professional development.

53 percent of HR professionals They say that Better onboarding results in engaged employees This then transfers to their professional career within the organization.

Onboarding in an organization is the first glimpse an employee gets of the organization’s structure, its politics and the support system within the business.

It is important to ensure that it is a pleasant experience.

4. The benefits of good onboarding programs directly impact retention of employees.

This is the result of insufficient onboarding and the fact that organizations let their employees “fend for themselves” and “sink or swim” mindsets.

The cost of replacing an employee can run up to 150 percent of their annual earnings. These include hidden costs like a decrease in productivity, loss of specific knowledge and the decrease in morale of the remaining staff.

Employee retention could help companies save many thousands of dollars.

5. An effective onboarding process can improve the company’s culture

Setting the tone right from the beginning of the day, you establish an atmosphere in your workplace that has employees who are valued, educated and admired.

The new employees instantly understand and feel accepted by the company. employees who are already there know the importance of their workforce.

The company’s values are stated in a clear manner.

Employee onboarding process

1. Pre-onboarding: the first impression, and the process of recruitment

The onboarding process begins the moment a candidate has read an application for employment or they see their first impression of your company elsewhere.

Your actions as an employer (including application for jobs) are designed to support the process of onboarding.

It is important to create content that communicates the message of a loving enjoyable, growth-oriented company. It is important to communicate your values as well as your culture and spirit.

When you are creating applications for jobs Remember that not just are you seeking to recruit the most qualified candidates, but you’re also trying to promote your company as a desirable environment to work at. Be sure to clearly define the expectations of the position, as well as the qualifications of your ideal candidate but don’t forget to provide appealing information about the reasons why your business is a desirable location to work.

In the course of the hiring process the HR department at your company will announce the open position on relevant websites, gather and evaluate applications, then interviewing the best candidates, and ultimately, the best candidate getting the job. In this stage there could be some negotiation with the best candidate before the offer of employment is accepted.

It is, naturally it is a simplified procedure. Recruitment is a huge job and must be taken seriously. Businesses that do not have a good system for recruiting are often able to see that they’re not finding or hiring the best individuals.

The goals for the pre-onboarding stage

  • Attract relevant candidates. You’re trying to find those who share your values, who are an ideal fit and will bring the right capabilities to your business.
  • It is important to clearly communicate what your company is looking for in each position you’re scouting. What is the ideal candidate? What qualifications, skills, or interests should they possess?
  • Make a good impression that leaves people with a clear idea of the persona of your company. This is your first interaction and not all people you contact will choose to apply however they should leave with a positive perception of your business.

Best practices

  1. Create a page for your company’s culture on your site. The page should showcase your work culture, the employees of your organization, as well as their beliefs.
  2. Examine all the assets that could be your first points of contact for a potential candidate. It could be your social media account, your website and the company’s profile on the job site, and others. Update them and make sure they match the brand of your business. Examine the clarity, consistency and tone.
  3. Check job postings and interview questions following the same guidelines as previously mentioned.
  • Are your listings inclusive?
  • Do they represent your business effectively? And will they be able to attract the customers you’d like?
  • Are there areas for improvement?
  1. Create a transparent policy with regard to the policies that affect your employees. Policies regarding paternal or maternal leave, remote work vacation time, bonuses and the required weekly hours should be made clear and readily accessible.
  2. Start the process of settling in with the office visit, a welcome letter, informational package and a company-wide announcement about the new employee.
  3. Send an official letter of offer. It should outline clearly the primary responsibilities of the position along with all conditions and expectations. This is the place to ensure that every aspect of the role is clearly explained and there will be no unexpected surprises. It doesn’t need to be a formal letter! Make the character of the business shine through. Include details about the team or their pets, hobbies and hobbies as well as other interesting details about the business.
  4. Once the position has been made available, arrange the office visit, should it be it is possible and then begin the process of onboarding with access to the company’s training portal, email account, and any other information.
  5. Contact all the relevant parties about the new hire and their role in the onboarding process and assign resources to training. Everyone must be aware of their roles including preparing the plan for the employee’s first week and setting goals, as well as assigning an onboarding partner and clearly outlining the way to succeed for the person.

2. Onboarding on the first day

HR personnel should greet the new employee by welcoming them their workspace and then delivering the necessary items. These include office keys equipment, badges, codes along with passwords, introductions to the most important software applications, including introductions and a tour of the office.

If your company has a formal learning area then make it available. It’s great to have an education path that is mandatory for all employees who are new. This is the way to effectively explain the most important things about your business, such as what you do as well as the products you produce and the people you work with, your the history of your organization and everything else you think is valuable.

It’s crucial to include tips and guides regarding how to utilize corporate software, intranets communications channels, and more.

The day of the initial hire of the new hire’s tenure, a meeting with the manager of the new hire must be scheduled. This is the time when the plan for onboarding should be made available to the new employee, along with an description of the training plan and future objectives. The new employee should be given the opportunity to ask questions and the stakeholders should work to help the new employee settle in quickly.

Goals for the day’s first day

  • You should make sure that your new employee feels at ease and feel welcomed immediately. The first day of the employee’s tenure should be a time for introductions and positive impressions, as well as meeting new colleagues, and the first glimpse of what the employee will be doing in their new position.
  • Determine the expectations of the new position with the new employee. When the new employee is brought into the team, discuss each individual’s duties and how they’ll interact as a team in the future.

Best practices

  1. Print a Welcome Poster with the name and the title of the new employee. It should be hung on the office’s main entrance (outside naturally). This is an easy method of focusing attention on your new employee(s) and is also an easy way to demonstrate to others colleagues how important it is to be welcoming their new colleague at the beginning of their day.
  2. Create a welcome pack. When a new employee begins with you, leave a small box on their table. It could be a gift that includes items that are brand-related, like beanie, mug shirt, t-shirt, beer candy, or other similar items. It’s an excellent idea to design a personalised coffee mug that has the name of the new employee printed in it along with their beginning date, and a personalised slogan. The choice of the slogan could become one of the items to be completed during the process of onboarding.
  3. Plan a welcome drink, and invite everyone in the office to join in. It is possible to order cakes or sweets. It’s a wonderful experience that allows the group to know each otherbetter, which allows them to tell a story about themselves, and also learn about one another. Make an agenda of easy get-to-know-you questions and suggestions to help to make things go smoothly. If you’re expecting a lot of new employees who will be joining your company soon it is possible to combine the coffees for welcome and hold one per week or spread over a period of time, or limit the number of participants to the new employee’s department.

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