Do you have a neck, but no head?

The solution for the “who is who is neck-less and no head” puzzle is ” a t-shirt “.

What is a neck if no head , but no arms?

Scroll down for the answer. Answer is a shirt.

You have a neck but no head and two arms, but no hands. to school and I’m there working along with you. do I

“I I have neck, but no head. Two arms, but no hands. I’m taking you to school and I’m also with you to work. What do I have to offer?” The answer is a shirt.

Five fingers? What is the 5 fingers? isn’t a live answer?

So, the correct solution to this puzzle is a glove that’s not alive but has five fingers.

What is the connection between Z and A?

In the event that English alphabet runs through A to Z What happens between Z A to A? Zebra.

What flower has two lips?

two Lips Tulips Flowers for Lover’s Bouquet

What is the meaning of 88 keys?

A standard piano is equipped with the keys 88: White and black keys are 52 and 36.

What happens when drying?

What’s the answer to that question can be “a towel”.

If the towel is used to dry other objects or people, it just keeps getting more and more wet as it continues to absorb the water.

The more you make use of it?

The answer is in the Brain. The brain gets sharper with more use.

What’s easy to catch, but difficult to throw?

It is simple to lift, but difficult to throw. What exactly is it? Answer: It’s a feather.

What’s at the end of the Rainbow?

There are many things that could be at the top of the rainbow, but the one that is most commonly seen is gold. Many folks believe in the idea that it is the last thing to be found because it is due to you as a reward to do the work to earn it.

What creature has 12 legs?

Centipedes are elongated, segmented (metameric) creatures that have only one leg per body part. All centipedes have venom, and may cause painful bites by injecting their venom via pincer-like appendages referred to as forcipules.

What animals have 8 legs?

Spiders, scorpions and whip scorpions and pseudoscorpions all belong to arachnids which are discovered throughout Everglades National Park. Arachnids, unlike insects, have eight legs, but lack antennae. Additionally, their bodies are divided in two major parts: a cephalothorax as well as an abdomen.

What’s the difference between four legs and one foot?

Answer to the question: Bed.

What are the teeth that cannot bite?

What’s toothy but isn’t a bite? A Comb!

What are the holes that are able to hold water?

Sponge is full of holes, but it’s still able to hold water

What is it that has legs, but isn’t walking?

What is a chair with four legs and one back, but isn’t able to walk? Chair.

What exactly is white when it’s dirty?

A chalkboard. It’s black with chalk dust when it’s dirty, and then returns to black when cleaned with a damp cloth.

What three letters can transform an unassuming boy into a mature man?

Three letters which turn the character of a boy to man are ‘Age. ‘

What happens to the water that turns black?

The solution to the puzzle is a lobster. Lobsters naturally are dark blue/black color when they are in the ocean and then changes into the usual pinky-red color when placed in an scalding pot.

What is the best way to speak in a non-mouth?

Echoes speak without mouth, and can hear without ears. It is alive when it gets winds. Thus, “An Echo” is the only answer needed to this question.

What is a face that cannot smile?

Riddle: What is a device that has faces and hands, but doesn’t have a smile? Answer The answer is a clock. 3.

What is 6 legs, four eyes with a tail?

RIDDLE: What’s the combination of two heads and four eyes, as well as six legs and an tail? SOLUTION A cowboy riding his horse. RIDLE: What is the only animal that does it sleep without shoes on? SOLUTION: A horse.

What is it that can be run, but you cannot walk?

Has a head, talks, but does not weep and has a bed, but. Never sleeps? Answer is: A River!

What is a head that has no hair?

A Pin is A Head, but No Hair.

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