YouTube Comments not loading (Try These Fixes First!)

YouTube is a worldwide phenomenon and a giant in the world of video platforms However, it’s not completely reliable. Certain bugs impact the platform, affecting specific users in certain circumstances. There are times when you might encounter issues in the form of the YouTube comment section not loading properly or not not showing.

While watching an YouTube videos you might be interested about the opinions of other viewers or more context that the video might not have clearly communicated.

Without the comments, you’re not able to take advantage of this chance. There are many ways to use to solve this frustrating problem.

The issues with YouTube comments may be different. Some might display a blank page beneath the video, whereas others will see a blue wheel.

Sometimes, just a few remarks are visible, however, when you click the “more replies” button is clicked, the wheel spins again.

How to fix YouTube comments that are not loading

The fix for YouTube’s loading issues isn’t a simple, easy-to-fix procedure, however. There’s no method of determining what’s causing your YouTube comments to don’t load. This could result from YouTube the site itself or the cache of your browser.

For benefit with problems with your YouTube comments not loading properly take these steps and then cross reference your payoff.

    1. Log In to your Google Account
    2. Reload YouTube
    3. View A Different Video
    4. Change Comment Sorting Format
    5. YouTube in Incognito mode. YouTube with Incognito
    6. Clear Browser Cache
    7. Block Browser Extensions
    8. Clear Cache of App and Data (Android/iOS)
    9. Disable Ad Blockers
    10. Enable VPN Settings and Proxy Settings
    11. Reset Your Browser

1. Sign Into Your Google Account

While YouTube videos are viewable regardless of whether you’re registered with the Google accounts as well, there are times when this can be the most basic option and definitely the most straightforward.

Just click”Sign In” or the “Sign Login” prompt at the top right of the screen will give you the option of signing onto your Google accounts you’ve before used with the phone.

If you’re already signed in but you aren’t receiving comments, you could try signing off and returning to sign in.

Are Youtube comments not showing? Try signing in using another of your Google accounts, then go back to the original video.

If you do not have more than one, you can create another one in case of the sake of having another reason to tackle these kinds of problems.

2. Reload YouTube

A simple troubleshooting procedure is as simple to do as refreshing your page. To refresh YouTube simply select the rounded arrow in the header of your browser.

You can also right-click any white part on YouTube’s YouTube page and choose”Reload.” “Reload” opportunity from the pop-up menu.

The first or second opportunity will force the page to load. It is typically a fast and simple solution to problems with the “YouTube comments aren’t load” problem.

Most of the time, a temporary glitch on the specific website or glitch on YouTube might have caused the issue. If the initial endeavor to load the page fails, try another try within a few minutes.

3. Take a look at a different video

If you’ve signed up and then reloaded the page several times, but you are not seeing the comments on the video you want to view, you can try choosing a different video to watch. Did the comments appear in this video? If the comments from the other video aren’t displayed Try a different video.

If there are no comments, it could be an issue that could be with YouTube or another permissions-based issue that’s affecting the particular configuration you’re using.

If only one video appears as if it is affected, the reason could be because the owner of the video is deciding to read the comments prior to when they are published.

It’s also possible the owner of the website decided to shut off comments and thus preventing any viewers to post comments. The usual way to show this is with an inscription in place of the comments, indicating the choice of the owner of the site.

4. Modify Comment Format for Sorting Comments

In the event that this blue-colored wheel is causing problems to the quality of your YouTube experience, you might want to re-sort the YouTube comment section.

There could be a problem with loading some older comments, but it shouldn’t hinder your experience when you view them.

If you opt to sort the comments by selecting “Newest First” it is basically reversing the weight of comments, in reverse chronological order. If the most recent comments are no problem, you’ll probably see them appear.

If you’re seeking to view the most liked and popular loved comments instead it is possible to sort to show the Top Comments first.

5. Open YouTube In Incognito Mode

If the comments aren’t displayed it is possible that the issue is related to your browser or a recent update that caused the capability to load the comment elements to become affected.

The issue can be reported back to YouTube promptly enough They will begin to sort the issue. A lot problems are related to cached settings or data (retained from previous visits to the website) or due to specific aspects of the site’s data such as cookies, extensions or plugins.

If you think this might be this is the case, utilize the incognito feature of your browser. Because it doesn’t require extensions or plugins that can interfere with commenting.

Google Chrome has an incognito mode that’s simple to use, for instance. The top vertical menu of the ellipsis, you will find it at the highest point of the menu just below”New Window” “New Window” choice.

Do not forget to check the extension or plug-in to your browser caused the issue initially at the time.

6. Clean Browser Cache

Concerning the role of cached data in preventing websites from operating correctly, this is an additional important aspect to take into consideration.

Locally stored data is cached to store some thumbnails, images, as well as settings of previous visits to the website to increase loading speed during subsequent visits.

However, there are times when the limitations that were in place prior to use remain. If your last visit to YouTube included information from the site that prevented comments from showing The settings might be running from the local cache instead of being refreshed.

Clear the cookies and cached data by using the regular maintenance of windows or you can perform the “Hard Refresh”. Many Windows-based browsers are able to do this by pressing Ctrl + F5 simultaneously when you are on YouTube. YouTube page.

7. Turn off Browser Extensions

As a YouTube page loads, the various components load as separate, disjointed elements, even though they appear as one page to the user.

If you’ve installed a new browser extension or a new one there could be a reason that may affect the loading of specific components of the site.

If you are able to remove your browser’s plugins, extensions, or the most recent extensions, you may be able to restore your capability to read and leave remarks on YouTube. In Windows you will be able to select the vertical ellipsis menu , and choose More Tools after which you can select extensions.

You can then explore the various extensions, and then try disabling some of them that might be the cause of the issue.

8. Remove App Cache along with Data (Android/iOS)

Mobile devices aren’t exempt from YouTube comments issues as well. If you’re not seeing or capable of submitting comment on your Android device, it is possible to clear the cache in the app too.

For this step, click apps from the Apps and Notifications menu, and then choose that YouTube application from the menu.

Check out the Storage and cache section. It will inform you of the amount of space is being used up by cached data in the app. If you look deeper into it, you’ll be able to see several options, one being clearing cache.

Utilize this feature to permit a video to load up its components completely instead of relying on the previous preference or video.

On the iOS platform clearing caches is a little more difficult and requires deletion and reinstallation application.

9. Remove Ad Blockers

Ad Blockers are known for causing these problems with loading pages. While effective at blocking ads, at times the extension is too aggressive in blocking features that it could consider spam, but is actually a function on the web page.

Enable or modify the restrictions of your ad blocker Perhaps adding white-listing to the specific video page may allow you to view the comments.

10. Remove Proxy Setting and VPNs.

Unproperly configured VPNs that have been improperly configured and specific proxy settings may also be the reason of YouTube problems with viewing comments. The solution to these issues is quite simple.

The VPN settings are reconfigured as soon as you restart the VPN is restarted. So If you just shut out of the VPN connection, and then reconnect, the majority of problems with configuration are exacerbated.

If this doesn’t work then you might need to try turning the VPN completely off and then reloading the page on YouTube.

In Windows you can have the settings for proxy turned off by opening Internet Options from the Start Menu, then navigating to Connections and then the settings for LAN.

There are a variety of checkboxes that appear on the pop-up which will appear, all of which should be checked off.

11. Reset Your Browser

If you’ve determined that the browser you’re together is the cause of the problem, there’s another, slightly more radical step you could take. It involves resetting your browser.

This is the exact idea of restoring the electronic equipment to its factory settings. When you use browsers, they undergo several tweaks and modifications.

One of them, out of the hundreds of possibilities, could be the reason for the YouTube comments problem, but finding out the source can be quite a task.

If you’re comfortable going back to its original setting, then it’ll be reverted to the initial recommended settings, and you’ll likely be able to access your comments and writing capability in YouTube back.

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