How do I Set an Animated GIF Wallpapers on Windows 11

 Wallpaper can be a fantastic method to boost the appearance of your PC appears. A lot of people choose static wallpapers, and they are nice looking, however animated GIFs as wallpapers are superior to static wallpaper. If you’re looking to alter the look of your computer Try together animation GIF as wallpaper in Windows 11 instead of a static wallpaper.

Windows do not support natively creating animated wallpapers, however it is possible to do so by using windows 11 key reddit and the benefit of several third-party apps. If you’re not sure how to use an animated GIF for wallpapers on Windows 11, then you’re at the right place.

What is the accurate way to set GIF Wallpaper on Windows 11

It is a comprehensive instruction to benefit you make use of GIFs that are animated to set a GIF for wallpapers in Windows 11.

Utilizing Animated GIF as Wallpaper on Windows 11

If you wish to personalize the look of your computer with animated GIFs and other animated GIFs, you’ll require third-party software to attain this. There isn’t an feature for natively running Windows 11 to use an animated GIF as wallpaper. Hence, you’ll need to use third-party applications to achieve this. We’ll list a few third-party applications you can utilize to set an animated wallpaper in Windows 11.


The first program you should consider with for those who want to set up animation GIF for wallpapers is Plastuer. Utilizing Plastuer you can make video clips, GIFs as well as HTML5 websites as wallpaper. You’ll need to pay for a fee to access it. You are not able to use it free. There are however no registrationsrequired, however you’ll need to pay a minimum of $2 in order to use it.

To utilize Plastuer to set up an animated GIF as wallpaper Follow the steps below.

  • You can download your copy of Plastuer on the Plastuer official site. You don’t need to install it. Extract the file and then run it on your computer.
  • You’ll be asked to input GIF that you can make wallpaper. Plastuer provides you with many ways to upload your GIF.
    • Select File – This opportunity allows you to select the GIF file that is stored on your computer.
    • Browse GalleryThe gallery can be accessed by selecting from the GIF document from the gallery’s official gallery.
    • Create PlaylistsYou may also add multiple URLs of GIFs by using this opportunity.
    • URL- If you wish to download an GIF on the internet, you can use this feature.
  • Then, you’ll be asked to choose the monitor that you wish to set the wallpaper. Choose the monitor, then click save to save the wallpaper.
  • If you’d like to remove the wallpaper, select the disable wallpaper opportunity that is available on the Plastuer.

Animator BioniX Video Wallpaper

Another application that lets you use the animated GIF to create wallpapers for Windows 11 is together BioniX Video Wallpaper Animator. You can make use of this application to create an animated wallpaper for your computer. Follow the steps below to set up animation GIF for wallpaper together the BioniX Video Wallpaper Animator.

  • Download the application on the official website and install it on your personal computer.
  • Go into the video wallpaper tab.
  • Under the “folder” option choose the location of the folder in which the GIF is stored.
  • Click on the start button to make use of this animated GIF as wallpaper.

Wallpaper Engine

Another program that you could make use of to set the animated GIF to create wallpaper. It is a paid application that requires you pay a one-time cost of #3.99 to access this application.

  • Install and download the application from the official site. If you purchased the application through Steam the application will need be able to install Steam launcher too on your computer.
  • Install the program on your PC. If you have two monitors, then you will be asked to select the monitor you wish for the wallpaper’s animation to be applied on. If you would like to put the animated wallpaper to both wallpapers then you have an opportunity to shut down the wallpaper.
  • You can utilize the Workshop and Discover tabs to look for wallpapers for desktops.
  • Select the wallpaper and then click Subscribe. It will allow you to install that particular wallpaper desktop on your computer.
  • You can also alter the wallpaper. For instance, you could alter the speed of animation, the sound as well as other settings to suit your preferred settings.

This is how you can set an animated GIF to create wallpaper for Windows 11 wallpaper. Wallpapers with animated animations aren’t created natively, and you’ll have to use third-party applications. We’ve listed a few third-party applications that can set animated wallpapers for Windows 11.

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