How to Bind Jump To Mouse Wheel In CS:GO

Have ever wondered why pros can make insane leaps, free falls and other insane movements, when you are unable to move? It’s because in CSGO it’s all about movement and putting the mouse to leap may give you an edge, and also help you overcome tight spots.

Some people prefer to jump using the standard space key and others make use of their mouse. This allows you to can easily jump by moving up and down on the wheel of your mouse. However, it’s all dependent on the way you’re used to it and what option offers you the best control.

Method #1: Utilizing the in-game Developer Console

As with nearly all multiplayer games, CS:GO comes with an development console which allows you to modify the game’s gameplay. By entering commands into the console, you’re giving the game instructions on what you want it to do instead of leaving it to decide.

A good key binding like these can provide you with an edge over your competition. It is a combination of vertical motion and your mouse, which makes it a great instrument for playing at a rapid pace.

If you’re a CSGO player who would like to connect their jump button with the mouse you can do it within the game by following the steps below.

  1. Allow to use the Developer Console by going to Settings > ” Game Settings” when you are in the game.
  2. The console can be opened with the Tilde (*) key in the upper-right-hand corner of your keyboard , just below that Esc key.
  3. Paste and copy these commands in your console.
    binding “mwheelup” “+jump”;
    Bind “mwheeldown” “+jump”;
    Bind “space” “+jump”

  4. Click Enter. Press the enter key and then close the console and then start the game to see whether you can jump using the mouse wheel.

You may also alter the command to only bind just one key like mouse wheel down or up as well as any control. With this method, the only issue is that you must manually inputthese command to jump-bind every time you start the game.

Method 2 Modifying the Config File within the Game Directory

You can modify the CS directories : GO’s configuration file instead of opening the console each time you’d like to bind jump. By doing this, you will be able to set the wheel permanently to jump, instead of cluttering the console with repetitive commands.

If you’re bored of having to type in the command each time you’d like to use your mouse to jump, read this article on how to make it happen for the long term.

  1. Steam. Run Steam as well then go through Your Steam Library.
  2. Click on the right-click icon for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and click on ” Properties“.
  3. Navigate to the directory CS:GO using the buttons ” Local Files” and ” Browse“.
  4. Find your config_default.cfg file in the Csgo/cfg directory, then start it up using Notepad.
  5. Paste and copy the commands below into the file config_default..
  6. Download the file, and then enter the game to see whether it is working.

In the same way, you can alter the command to only bind one button, like mouse wheel down or mouse wheel up as well as any other button you want to use.

Although this might not seem like a huge thing, once you’ve got familiar with it, it becomes difficult to play without it. This allows you to leap quickly, strafe and strafe quickly, giving you an advantage over your CS:GO rivals, with a guarantee!

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