Fitbit tracks blood pressure? (Answered)

Check out the sections below to learn more about the research of blood pressure and how Fitbit is working to incorporate this feature to their watches.

What is the method of measuring blood Pressure Measurable?

In a medical office, healthcare professionals would take a measurement of the blood pressure of your patient by placing the inflatoraround the upper part of your arm. The cuff will inflate and then gently apply pressure to your arm prior to releasing it, with the healthcare professional noting the first time they detect the blood pulsing, and when it stops.

Why is Pressure in the Blood? Pressure Important?

Blood pressure is an essential component of our circulatory system since it circulates blood throughout the body. As per Medical News Today blood pressure is a source of nutrition for organs and tissues and also delivers white blood cells with hormones and antibodies that are important.

The high blood pressure also referred to by the name of hypertension can cause problems as serious as stroke or heart attack kidney failure, heart attack and many other issues.

For people who suffer from hypertension Regular blood pressure checks keep them on track and ensure they’re healthy.

Does Fitbit measure blood pressure?

At the time of writing, Fitbit does not currently monitor blood pressure with their watches. In April 2021 the company did, however Fitbit stated that they were exploring possibilities of incorporating an instrument for monitoring blood pressure to their watches. This study, in theory will result in the introduction of a blood pressure monitor in their watches.

How can I keep track of the Blood Pressure of My Patients?

If you’re suffering with hypertension, you’re familiar with regularly checking the blood pressure. Although no smart watch’s monitors for blood pressure has yet been recognized by the FDA but you could consider an alternative option to provide easy, at-home monitoring.

Omron Heart Guide , an wearable device that has received FDA acceptance it is based on traditional technology for monitoring blood pressure and could be a good option for those who want to perform regular monitoring.

Other watches utilize light sensors to measure blood pressure however, they are not backed by FDA certification and don’t provide the same precision like Garinemax and the MorePro Fitness Tracker as well as Garinemax.

Do other smart watches also measure Blood Pressure?

The United States, no smartwatch can access FDA-approved blood pressure monitoring capabilities. Because the technology that is used to read the blood pressure can be so intricate, FDA clearance is hard to obtain.

Software for monitoring blood pressure has been extremely sought-after and has been a source of interest for both Fitbit as well as Apple.

What is Fitbit Measuring?

Although Fitbit watches aren’t able to yet measure the blood pressure of a person, they check a wide range of other health indicators that could alert you of possible issues and help you stay aware of your overall health. They are blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels..

Heart Rate

The heart rate tracker of Fitbit has been proven to be extremely accurate. The wearable device employs flashing light to gauge the heart’s beats every minute (BPM). The heart rate of your heart can help you into your heart’s health and fitness levels.

Furthermore an fast heart rate is a sign of health problems. As per Sutter Health the excessive heart rate may be due to lack of exercise and stress, as well as caffeine or dehydration. If you are able to regularly keep track of your heart rate you can enhance your overall health by making changes that are positive.

Heart Rhythm

Utilizing either the Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Charge 5, you can keep track of your heart rate to look for any signs that indicate atrial fibrillation (AFib), which results in a fast and irregular heartbeats that can cause blood clotting within the heart.

If you’ve had AFib episodes in the past an AFib-related episode, a smartwatch with a feature like this one could be beneficial for you as well as for your doctor.

Blood Oxygen Levels

The levels of blood oxygen in your blood indicate the amount of oxygen in your blood is able to hold and the ideal range is between 95 to 100%. If your numbers are lower than this, it could suggest a problem with the circulatory system or your lungs. If you have numbers that are less than 88%, you must seek medical attention immediately..

Final Thoughts

Although Fitbit is not yet offering monitoring of blood pressure however, they are looking into the possibility. Fitbit is, however, able to offer additional health-related features, such as monitoring the heart’s rate and rate, and levels of blood oxygen.

If you require blood pressure-specific monitoring, you’re better to buy a device that is FDA-approved and then waiting for Fitbit’s technology to advance.

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