Jennifer de Leonel: Who is the wife to Nelson de la Rosa

What is the name of his wife Nelson de la Rosa?Jennifer de Leonel turned into the spouse of Nelson de l.  a. Rosa. Nelson de la Rosa’s husband was a Dominican actor and was among the most diminutive men in both the 20th and 21st century. Nelson was 70 centimeters tall.

Jennifer de Leonel was born in the year 1980 on the island of Bayaguana, Dominican Republic. In 2022 she was 42 years older. She is known as the spouse to Nelson de la Rosa.

Her husband was the principal event in the “Hermanos Mazzini” and “Las Aguilas Humanas” circuses, and they promoted him as Guinness World Records holder for the world’s tallest man, at 54 centimeters (21. 25 inches) although the organisation does not support the claim.

Jennifer does not spend as much time in the spotlight as she did her husband. 

She was never in the spotlight, but was always there to help her husband conquer the world. 

The time when the couple were married are not public. Many believe that the two lovers were have been married in secret. The couple has a son, who will be 25 years old in 2022.

Her husband was killed by heart Failure

Jennifer’s husband passed away at 38 years old on the 22nd of October in 2006, in an institution located in Providence, Rhode Island, USA reported to be suffering from heart failure.  According to a report from the New York Times the husband, The deceased. 

De La Rosa became unwell shortly after his arrival from Miami on Friday night from Chile in which was working in the circus. He flew on Saturday into New York, where two of his brothers reside in New York, Duran said. Duran said.

The couple is survived by their wife Jennifer De Leonel, and son , who was 9 at the time when he died. The remains of his body were taken into his home in the Dominican Republic, and buried in the Cristo Redentor cemetery.

Is Jennifer De Leonel now?

Jennifer De Leonel has been away from the spotlight since the passing of her dear husband. It is not clear what she’s doing and what she’s doing.

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